Monday, March 21, 2011

love beyond words

Since my last post was about people i hate, this one will be about people i love.
I was in a rampage when i wrote that, so don't judgeeee.

Vanessa- most real person i know. Very down to earth. super nice
Gulia- sweetest bitch i know. LOVE HER
Britany-she okay, perty nice
 oh yes, i forgot LACI from my last post. I FUCKING HATE LACI. She is super super fake, and super bitchy, she won't go anywhere in life being a dumb cunt.

loud fuckers in my hall

I would just like to have my first blog be short and to the point.


katelyns laugh is like a fucking hyena mixed with a witch. i MAY kill her...just sayin.
Angela is fake as hell
Nicole is annoying because she thinks she is SOOOO much better than anyone, always eatin beans and shit like that...WTF?
juliana is a man in womans body....only the boobs, im sure a penis is in there
and slone is a dumb bitch whom i want to kill.

those are my least fav people. sorry for the mean-ness. I AM ANNOYED